Green Shield of Nations
Environmental Protection - Sustained Development
Home Page
Greenshield of nations is an environmental NGO founded in 1997 by concerned citizens of Northern Nigeria to check desert encroachment in the Northern states and the amelioration of the consequences of deforestation.We undertake projects that have a direct impact on the quality of the life of the rural masses through skill acquisition, empowering people to alleviate their poverty, and at the same time protect the environment for a sustainable development.

In the execution of the above programmes and in line with the focus of the world summit on sustainable development and federal government reform agenda, we seek to embark on poverty alleviation programmes.The rural masses and the urban poor are the main actors in our environmental projects and we involve them from initial stage of designing, implementation and monitoring anti poverty strategies and programmes.

See a small selection of our presentations below.

Jatropha cultivation in Nigeria presented at the 2nd Jatropha World Conference in Brussels